Fraud Blocker Yes, We're Still Open for Rug Cleaning & Disinfecting, Collected and Delivered Free Of Charge... | Doncaster Rug Deep Cleaning & Disinfection Service - Collection & Delivery Included. Yes, We're Still Open for Rug Cleaning & Disinfecting, Collected and Delivered Free Of Charge... | Doncaster Rug Deep Cleaning & Disinfection Service - Collection & Delivery Included.

The above picture shows the grit and dust we removed from the rug that you can see in the picture, that's before we even started cleaning.

Rug Cleaning & Disinfecting Service in Doncaster

Updated 10th March 2021 by Allan Simmons

The Government guidance since the 5th November has been that trades can continue to work in houses IF face-coverings are worn by both parties and social distancing can be observed.  We want to assure you that we take the safety of both yourself and our whole team seriously.  During the full lockdown, people were doing general cleaning and moving their rugs and they hadn't realised how bad the rug was smelling, or how grubby and dusty they really were.  At that time we could still collect rugs if we did not need to enter your house.  Under the latest lockdown that started in January, we can obviously still clean your rugs in a contact-free way, but now we can also come inside to roll them up if required, BUT, both you and our technicians must wear a face-covering and observe social distancing.  You can still get your treasured rugs pampered in our rug facility to give you a clean and fresh-smelling home.

I also want you to know that to ensure our facility is COVID-19 Secure we have shuffled the workshop around so that we can still effectively clean your rugs AND social distance as a team, so everyone here is safe.

We've had great feedback from those existing clients who had called to check we could still work, so I thought I'd offer the same special offer to everyone who wants a rug cleaning,  and that's to include a free virucide treatment as part of the process.

How does it work?

If you've had a rug cleaned before we will have the details on file and can quote a price, apply the offer, and arrange collection if you want to go ahead.

If you've never had us clean your rugs please call and we'll ask you to describe it. We'll ask a few simple questions, which may be answered if you look at the label on the back of the rug:

  1. What size is it? we can work with metric or 'old money' imperial, don't worry.
  2. Is it wool or synthetic, eg polypropylene?  It's often described on the label.  Again don't worry if you're not sure, we can confirm on collection.
  3. Are there any fringes/tassels on the shorter ends, or all the way around if it's circular?
  4. Where did you buy it, this often gives us an idea of the style of the rug.

You can of course always take a picture of the rug, front and back, including the label, and email them in reply to this email, and include the size.

We give you a quote and you decide if you want to go ahead or get us to pop in to take a look and confirm.  There's no pressure and you can call us back if needed, we don't expect an instant answer to go ahead, either on the phone or if we visit.

If you want to go ahead we agree a collection day and approximate time slot.

When we arrive we will knock on the door and step back to allow you to open the door and observe social distancing. We will be wearing a face-covering and we require you to also wear a face-covering under the Government guidelines. We will have already sanitised our hands with an approved virucide before we knock on your door or enter your home.

We'll come in just far enough to either quote for the rug or to pick it up and take it to our van.  We ask that we remain socially distanced while we do this. Then we'll use our bacterial & virucide spray and paper towels to "touchpoint clean" any areas we may have touched, such as the door, door frame, and door handle, just for your extra peace of mind.

We'll pamper your rug in our workshop through the full process:

  • Use our specialist rug beater and vacuum to remove the grit and heavy soil.  This cannot be done in your home.
  • Prespray with virucide disinfectant.
  • Pre-treat spots and stains where required.
  • Pre-treat fringes where required.
  • Soak in our wash-tub with the correct cleaning agent, this loosens the embedded soiling from the pile.
  • Thoroughly deep wet clean with gentle agitation from four separate brushes.
  • Additional rinse and squeegee to ensure no residues are left behind.
  • Spin dry in our speed and timer-controlled Centrifuge, this removes 93-95% of any remaining water in the rug.
  • Hang to dry, or block out if required, in our temperature and humidity-controlled drying room.
  • Brush the pile so it 'sets' correctly as it dries.
  • Treat any fringes to prevent cellulose browning as they dry.
  • Inspection part one, treating any remaining stains as appropriate.
  • Apply virucide spray and brush in, which has some residual efficacy but is perfectly safe for you and your family.
  • Once dry, typically overnight, we inspect the rug again and reclean if required.
  • Prepare the rug for return on our finishing table, this thoroughly vacuums the rug to remove any remaining loose particles and lifts the pile.
  • Pack the rug in a tough polythene tube with breather pinholes to protect your rug during storage and transport back to you.
  • Call you to confirm a day to return it.  If we don't get you we'll leave a voicemail, drop you a text message, or perhaps email.
  • Knock on your door and return to the van to pick up your rug.
  • If you've opened the door and stepped back we'll pop the rug into your hallway, or your porch or garage if you prefer.  We can also now place it in the room you require, and unpack it if needed.
  • 'Touchpoint clean' as we did when we collected.
  • Ask you to pay using a credit or debit card using our machine which we will disinfect in front of you.

Everyone wins, we stay busy and protect our jobs and business as lockdown is released, and you can get cleaner, brighter and fresh smelling rugs that have been cleaned and disinfected with a Log kill 6 virucide treatment, that's medical grade 99.9999% disinfection, the best you can get.

The special offer is FREE virucide treatment, and FREE collection and delivery within the Doncaster area (normally £5 each way).

We'd love to hear from you, so please take a look at your rug and see if it would benefit from some TLC in our rug pampering workshop. Feel free to call us on 01302 230685 at any time, as calls are diverted to my home in the evening.

Allan Simmons





Allan Simmons Jnr, Owner

Visit Our Rug Cleaning Page Here.