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Updated 23rd July 2021 by Allan Simmons.

How we all remain safe and have peace of mind after "Freedom day"...

We understand some people may still be skeptical of inviting trades into their homes.  The Government guidance since the 19th of July means legally neither you as the client, or we as the tradesmen, are required to wear a face-covering or observe social distancing.  We want to assure you that we take the safety of both yourself and our whole team seriously.  We were already trained and certified in infection control cleaning before the Coronavirus pandemic struck.  We do that type of work for schools and doctors surgeries when there are Norovirus outbreaks, but in March 2020 our whole team undertook update training to ensure we were up to date with the very latest Public Health England and NHS protocols regarding Coronavirus and Covid-19.  Whilst there is no legal obligation for wearing of face-coverings we accept some people would still prefer that we wear a face-covering whilst in their home.  We're happy to do that, and all our team are happy to wear a face-covering if you ask them to.  Some of our team are wearing a face-covering by choice anyway, and they will only remove that if you say you are comfortable with them doing so.  Please do not feel embarrassed to ask any of the team to wear a face-covering whilst in your home, and all we ask is that we all observe some simple rules as follows:

Here's how we can work safely in your home, and the precautions we're still taking for everyone's peace of mind:-

  • We cannot work in your home if you are self-isolating with suspected CoVid-19 symptoms, or have had CoViD-19 within the last 21 days.  If you have had CoViD-19, more than 21 days ago, we can still work for you but you MUST tell us before we visit and we will advise if there are any extra precautions we need to take.
  • If you are one of the few people still 'Shielding' on the advice of your Doctor we are not able to provide an "in-home service" but we are able to offer you our collection and delivery rug cleaning service.
  • Any equipment we bring into your home has been thoroughly disinfected with virucide treatment between EVERY job.
  • All the team are infection control trained for your peace of mind.
  • We will have a fixed appointment time, or appointment window, and will phone if we will be any earlier to ensure it is convenient for us to come early.
  • Some of our team have chosen to continue wearing a face-covering on arrival at your property.  Those who are not wearing a face-covering on arrival are happy to wear one if you ask them to if that gives you extra peace of mind.
  • Whilst we are cleaning we may ask you to stay in another part of the house until we are finished, as wearing a face-covering whilst cleaning is incredibly uncomfortable and we may remove it during cleaning.  We will of course still ask you to inspect the finished result, and if you requested we wear a face-covering we will obviously do so, no problem.
  • All soft furnishings we're cleaning will still be treated with a virucide disinfectant FREE of charge.  We use a product that has achieved the European test standard April 2020 EN14476:2013 + A2:2019 Annex A* killing up to 99.9999% of microbes and coronaviruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 which causes CoVid-19.
  • Any touch points we use we will disinfect with the same virucide.  So door handles, doors and doorframes, and any furniture we move and replace, and free of charge.
  • Many clients make us tea/coffee and offer drinks and sometimes biscuits etc.  We have left it down to the individual team member to decide if they would like to accept those, so please do not be offended if they have chosen to refuse a cuppa, we want everyone to feel safe.
  • We also offer a Peace of Mind package if you're moving into a new property.  You can find out more here.

The whole team hopes this reassures you that we're taking all the precautions necessary and working responsibly to protect everyone.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me direct on 01302 230685 and I'll be happy to help.


Allan Simmons Jnr.

See our range of services here

Updated October 27th:

How we all remain safe during Tier 1, 2 & 3 restrictions...

We understand you may be sceptical of inviting trades into your home at this time.  We want to assure you that we take the safety of our both yourself and our whole team seriously.  Although we were already trained and certified in infection control cleaning, which is usually done for schools and doctors surgeries when there are Norovirus outbreaks, in March 2020 the whole team undertook update training to ensure we were up to date with the latest Public Health England and NHS protocols.  Under these restrictions, the Government have made it clear that trades can continue to work in people’s homes but must follow certain guidelines.

Here's the procedures we've put in place following those guidelines:-

  • We cannot work in your home if you are self-isolating with suspected CoVid-19 symptoms, or have had CoViD-19 within the last 21 days.  If you have had CoViD-19, more than 21 days ago, we can still work for you but you MUST tell us before we visit and we will advise if there are any extra precautions we need to take.
  • If you are 'Shielding' on the advice of your Doctor we are not able to provide an "in-home service" but we are able to offer you our collection and delivery rug cleaning service.
  • Any equipment we bring into your home has been thoroughly disinfected with virucide treatment between EVERY job.
  • All the team are infection control trained and will wear appropriate PPE where needed.  This is not a scary "spaceman" suit and full respirator, they are not required under the Public Health England and NHS guideline, but we will be wearing a facemask when we arrive.
  • We will have a fixed appointment time or appointment window and will phone if we will be any earlier to ensure it is convenient for us to come early.  This is so you can be sure we can social distance at 2m and it's still convenient.
  • We will social distance at 2m, we will knock on your door and step back. Please then show us the areas to be cleaned whilst maintaining a safe 2m distance.  We ask that you also wear a face-covering whilst you are interacting with us and maintain the 2m social distance.  Whilst we are cleaning we may ask you to stay in another part of the house until we are finished, as wearing a face-covering whilst cleaning is incredibly uncomfortable and we may remove it during cleaning.  We will of course still ask you to inspect the finished result, whilst we maintain the 2m social distancing and all wearing a face covering.
  • All soft furnishings we're cleaning will be treated, both pre and post clean, with a virucide disinfectant FREE of charge.  We use a product which has achieved the European test standard April 2020 EN14476:2013 + A2:2019 Annex A* killing up to 99.9999% of microbes and coronaviruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 which causes CoVid-19.
  • Any touch points we use we will disinfect with the same virucide.  So door handles, doors and doorframes and any furniture we move and replace, and free of charge.
  • Please do not be offended if we refuse your tea and biscuits.  We'd usually welcome them and a five-minute break and chat but don't worry, we'll make up for it next time we visit.
  • We also offer a Peace of Mind package if you're moving into a new property.  You can find out more here.

The whole team hope this reassures you that we're taking all the precautions necessary and working responsibly to protect everyone.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me direct on 01302 230685 and I'll be happy to help.


Allan Simmons Jnr.

See our range of services here

This information is provided by Alltec Network Ltd, the manufacturer of the products that we use as our Virucide treatment...

"So this is a basic ‘enveloped’ virus. The virus is enclosed by a lipid membrane (a fat-like substance) this membrane (envelope) is used by the virus to attach itself to the host cell, the virus then penetrates the host cell and replicates itself.  The envelope is actually quite fragile, and susceptible to changes in temperature, pH levels and disinfectants.

Examples of Enveloped Viruses:
Chicken Pox
Influenza A
Hepatitis C
and of course, Coronaviruses.

Like most enveloped viruses, outside of the human body they are very weak and easily destroyed with hot water and disinfectant (hence all the media advice to wash your hands!) Needless to say, you cannot kill viruses so easily once they are inside the human body, so never, ever consume a disinfectant!

There are various agents that are effective against enveloped viruses, the best one is actually common bleach, but you can’t go splashing that stuff around soft furnishings! The most well-known version is probably alcohol, such as in some hand sanitisers, it works very quickly but it evaporates so how long it will last is limited.

QATs (or quaternary ammonium compounds) take longer to work but provide longer-lasting protection. They are best applied and left on the surface in order to (in effect) kill the virus. They disrupt the envelope membrane, which exposes the nucleocapsid, affecting its ability to infect subsequent cells.

The great thing about QAT’s is that you can use them on pretty much all surfaces – any wet cleanable fabrics and hard surfaces - so you can pre-spray carpets

and upholstery, apply it by sprayer to floors, door handles, work surfaces, you can

even use a fogging machine to sanitise an entire room. It‘s actually best applied by misting, not by cloth (cloths are awful cross contaminants!) We can also supply it as an effective alcohol-free hand sanitiser, foaming, moisturising with lasting protection.

So the long and the short of it is that we use these QATs in our Envirosafe, Bio Cleaner, Eco Spotter and Hand Sanitiser. We’ve sold them for years as anti-microbial cleaners.  As well as viruses, they also kill many bacteria, fungi and mould. They are particularly useful in care homes, doctors’ surgeries, schools, homes where there has been an illness - any environment where virus and bacterial control is required.

So hopefully you now understand how our products work."

This is a copy of the manufacturers latest independent testing update on the efficacy of the product.  It shows the product has undergone the latest testing April 2020 EN14476:2013 + A2:2019 Annex A*, this therefore includes all coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2...


For us, this gives us the confidence to offer our clients a cleaner, brighter and HEALTHIER clean of their home...

The latest Government advice to trades working in homes means that we are now offering in your home cleaning services again. These are the steps we’re implementing on all jobs to help give our clients the reassurance that we’re putting the necessary precautions in place...

  • Any equipment we bring to your home is sanitised prior to each job.
  • All the team are infection control trained and certified, with our most recent update training in April 2020. (see our certificates here)
  • We wear appropriate PPE, following NHS guidelines, where needed.
  • We’ll be observing the 2mt social distancing rules.  We'd ask that you stay in another part of the home until we’re finished
  • Any furniture or items we touch we will disinfect for you with our virucide.
  • All soft furnishings are Pre & Post-treated with the virucide described above, which is also a sanitiser killing 99.9999% of bacteria and germs, not just viruses.
  • Please don’t be offended if we turn down your usual hospitality of a cuppa and a biscuit.  Don’t worry we’ll make up for it next time we visit you.
  • We’d prefer you to pay by debit or credit card, using our handheld machine that will be disinfected in front of you and placed down, where we'll step back to allow you to "do your thing with your pin".

Please feel free to call us and discuss your particular situation and requirements.  If we're not able to work for you in a safe manner we will suggest you wait until the restrictions are lifted.  If we can observe the above rules and you're comfortable with us in our home we'd love to help you have a cleaner, brighter and HEALTHIER home.


The whole team at Clean&Dry.

P.S. We're also still offering our Rug collection, clean and disinfect, and return service.  Find out more here.

We've provided infection control cleaning in Doncaster to local  Doctors surgeries, Schools and Nurseries for years, but the recent outbreak of the SARS CoV 2 virus that causes Covid 19 meant we thought we'd better update our skill to ensure we meet the latest Public Health England Guidelines.

All our team recently spent 8.30am until 6:00pm on an update infection control course. This was specific to our industry, so it was worth the time spent on it.

What did we learn that we can update you with, that will be of use to you in your home?

Two things that you can consider that you can put into action today:

In order to effectively clean surfaces and disinfect them, you need to clean away the visible debris or dirt before applying the disinfectant or surface spray or bleach spray. This is important as otherwise, you are applying the disinfectant to a dirty surface which can, in turn, reduce the efficacy of the disinfectant, meaning it kills less of the microbes and viruses. You can use warm soapy water first to give a primary clean and then use your disinfectant for a better level of bacterial and virus control.

Another one to consider is mouldy surfaces like tiles around your bath or shower - whilst wearing gloves and use a damp, disposable paper towel or kitchen roll to wipe away any surface mould before you spray it with a mould spray or bleach. Always follow the manufacturers instructions when using a product.  As soon as you apply a spray to a surface heavy with mould, the mould will try to protect itself by shooting out mould spores which will then land in other areas of the room including on your hands, your clothes, your hair and your face. Yuck! These spores can then start to grow and multiply.  So wipe away the worst of the mould first.

Obviously, we learned (and relearned) more about the technical side of what we do specifically related to viruses and importantly about how we can safely help you in your homes and places of work. What was impressive was the number of the UK’s best-known people from our industry on the course, including one of the country’s top instructors who was topping up his own knowledge.

We also learned more about the new developments with one of the products we use and how it is now leading the market with its proven virus-killing properties.  This is what the lab states that the product has achieved: 'a pass to EN 14476:2013 + A2 2019 vaccinia virus enables claims for efficacy to be made against Wuhan virus'

This same product also has some residual efficacy.  This means that after application to a surface the product continues to kill bacteria and viruses landing on it, but it's safe for you and your pets.  How long it lasts depends on the wear, but it does give a little extra peace of mind.  Here's a picture of the surface of a treated area at a microscopic level.

Infection control disinfectant residual efficacy image doncaster

A microscopic view of the residual efficacy of our virucide treatment.


Both your safety and the safety of our team are of utmost importance.  We will discuss with you the additional precautions we would need both you and us to take if we were to clean in our home.  If it's your work environment we can also help there too, including full peace of mind disinfection fogging treatments to ensure your workplace is safe for your return.

Our range of services includes full Deep Cleaning (with ATP swab testing for confirmation of the efficacy of cleaning), ongoing 'Touch point' cleaning, ulv Fogging of virucides, carpets and soft furnishing cleaning and virucide treatments, Hard floor cleaning and disinfecting.  A one-stop for your home or return to work peace of mind workplace clean.

If you'd like your home or place of work cleaning and disinfecting call us now on 01302 230 685 for a free, no-obligation quotation.

Thanks for reading, and remember, we're still offering our Rug Cleaning service where we collect, clean and disinfect, then return your rugs.  Click here to find out more about our Rug Cleaning Service in Doncaster



The above picture shows the grit and dust we removed from the rug that you can see in the picture, that's before we even started cleaning.

Rug Cleaning & Disinfecting Service in Doncaster

Updated 10th March 2021 by Allan Simmons

The Government guidance since the 5th November has been that trades can continue to work in houses IF face-coverings are worn by both parties and social distancing can be observed.  We want to assure you that we take the safety of both yourself and our whole team seriously.  During the full lockdown, people were doing general cleaning and moving their rugs and they hadn't realised how bad the rug was smelling, or how grubby and dusty they really were.  At that time we could still collect rugs if we did not need to enter your house.  Under the latest lockdown that started in January, we can obviously still clean your rugs in a contact-free way, but now we can also come inside to roll them up if required, BUT, both you and our technicians must wear a face-covering and observe social distancing.  You can still get your treasured rugs pampered in our rug facility to give you a clean and fresh-smelling home.

I also want you to know that to ensure our facility is COVID-19 Secure we have shuffled the workshop around so that we can still effectively clean your rugs AND social distance as a team, so everyone here is safe.

We've had great feedback from those existing clients who had called to check we could still work, so I thought I'd offer the same special offer to everyone who wants a rug cleaning,  and that's to include a free virucide treatment as part of the process.

How does it work?

If you've had a rug cleaned before we will have the details on file and can quote a price, apply the offer, and arrange collection if you want to go ahead.

If you've never had us clean your rugs please call and we'll ask you to describe it. We'll ask a few simple questions, which may be answered if you look at the label on the back of the rug:

  1. What size is it? we can work with metric or 'old money' imperial, don't worry.
  2. Is it wool or synthetic, eg polypropylene?  It's often described on the label.  Again don't worry if you're not sure, we can confirm on collection.
  3. Are there any fringes/tassels on the shorter ends, or all the way around if it's circular?
  4. Where did you buy it, this often gives us an idea of the style of the rug.

You can of course always take a picture of the rug, front and back, including the label, and email them in reply to this email, and include the size.

We give you a quote and you decide if you want to go ahead or get us to pop in to take a look and confirm.  There's no pressure and you can call us back if needed, we don't expect an instant answer to go ahead, either on the phone or if we visit.

If you want to go ahead we agree a collection day and approximate time slot.

When we arrive we will knock on the door and step back to allow you to open the door and observe social distancing. We will be wearing a face-covering and we require you to also wear a face-covering under the Government guidelines. We will have already sanitised our hands with an approved virucide before we knock on your door or enter your home.

We'll come in just far enough to either quote for the rug or to pick it up and take it to our van.  We ask that we remain socially distanced while we do this. Then we'll use our bacterial & virucide spray and paper towels to "touchpoint clean" any areas we may have touched, such as the door, door frame, and door handle, just for your extra peace of mind.

We'll pamper your rug in our workshop through the full process:

  • Use our specialist rug beater and vacuum to remove the grit and heavy soil.  This cannot be done in your home.
  • Prespray with virucide disinfectant.
  • Pre-treat spots and stains where required.
  • Pre-treat fringes where required.
  • Soak in our wash-tub with the correct cleaning agent, this loosens the embedded soiling from the pile.
  • Thoroughly deep wet clean with gentle agitation from four separate brushes.
  • Additional rinse and squeegee to ensure no residues are left behind.
  • Spin dry in our speed and timer-controlled Centrifuge, this removes 93-95% of any remaining water in the rug.
  • Hang to dry, or block out if required, in our temperature and humidity-controlled drying room.
  • Brush the pile so it 'sets' correctly as it dries.
  • Treat any fringes to prevent cellulose browning as they dry.
  • Inspection part one, treating any remaining stains as appropriate.
  • Apply virucide spray and brush in, which has some residual efficacy but is perfectly safe for you and your family.
  • Once dry, typically overnight, we inspect the rug again and reclean if required.
  • Prepare the rug for return on our finishing table, this thoroughly vacuums the rug to remove any remaining loose particles and lifts the pile.
  • Pack the rug in a tough polythene tube with breather pinholes to protect your rug during storage and transport back to you.
  • Call you to confirm a day to return it.  If we don't get you we'll leave a voicemail, drop you a text message, or perhaps email.
  • Knock on your door and return to the van to pick up your rug.
  • If you've opened the door and stepped back we'll pop the rug into your hallway, or your porch or garage if you prefer.  We can also now place it in the room you require, and unpack it if needed.
  • 'Touchpoint clean' as we did when we collected.
  • Ask you to pay using a credit or debit card using our machine which we will disinfect in front of you.

Everyone wins, we stay busy and protect our jobs and business as lockdown is released, and you can get cleaner, brighter and fresh smelling rugs that have been cleaned and disinfected with a Log kill 6 virucide treatment, that's medical grade 99.9999% disinfection, the best you can get.

The special offer is FREE virucide treatment, and FREE collection and delivery within the Doncaster area (normally £5 each way).

We'd love to hear from you, so please take a look at your rug and see if it would benefit from some TLC in our rug pampering workshop. Feel free to call us on 01302 230685 at any time, as calls are diverted to my home in the evening.

Allan Simmons





Allan Simmons Jnr, Owner

Visit Our Rug Cleaning Page Here.

Elegant, modern and beautifully sleek. Of course, we’re talking about Karndean flooring. If you’ve chosen these vinyl tiles in your home, the only thing you need to worry about is keeping them clean. But with shades ranging from neutral whites and soft nudes to contemporary patterns and bold blacks, it can be difficult to keep the stains away and the shine remaining…

Fortunately, with our complete guide to caring for Karndean flooring, we can help you make sure your floors never look tired and worn again.

Regular cleaning

Karndean floors have no grime and dirt traps, making them much easier to maintain. However, even with the advanced dirt-repelling material, you will still need to keep on top of cleaning. Karndean offers a range of cleaning supplies, perfect for frequent mopping, to keep your flooring looking as good as new.

Be sure to sweep and wipe up any messes as and when they happen too, to avoid ending up with any stains that will become more troublesome to remove.

Add doormats and rugs

Whether you install Karndean flooring in your living room, hallway or kitchen, preventing too much dirt and grime getting on the tiles is the best way to keep your floor looking pristine. Add a doormat to your room’s entrance or ask visitors to remove their shoes before entry to stop dirt and grime being brought in.

You can also add rugs at any high-traffic areas or beneath heavy furniture to prevent indentation and wear.

Extra care

Once or twice a year, you should treat your Karndean flooring to a complete refresh. Karndean supplies remove and refresh products, making it much easier to enhance your flooring, revitalise its appearance and boost its durability.

Remove the top layer of your flooring, before adding a Karndean Refresh layer to create a satin finish and protect it from marks and fine scratches.

Professional cleaning

Regular DIY cleaning and maintenance will keep your Karndean flooring looking good throughout the year. However, in the long term, it’s worth calling in a professional every year or so to keep your Karndean flooring looking as good as new.

Clean & Dry Doncaster offers a superior tile and stone floor cleaning service, protecting your floor and leaving it enviably shiny and clean.

A bust nose, grazed knee or sliced finger can leave you in need of some extra TLC. The same goes for your carpet. Blood stains can be among the hardest to remove, leaving behind sinister, unsightly dark splotches.

Fortunately, we are here to help prevent carpets being permanently scarred, with our handy guide to removing blood from your carpet.

Act fast

The quicker you can get to work cleaning up blood, the better it will be for your carpet. Of course, we understand that when accidents happen, cleaning up the mess is often the last thing on your mind. But as soon as you can tackle the stain, get to work to prevent further damage.

Choose your solution wisely

When tackling blood stains, it’s important to use cold water. Warm or hot water can coagulate with the blood, making it much more difficult to clean, while cold water prevents the blood from soaking further into the carpet. A simple solution of cold water and dish soap should do the trick.

Get to work

Once you’ve prepped your solution, you can start to spray the stain directly, soaking the area thoroughly. Then, begin to dab – not rub! – the stain with a dry clean cloth or paper towel, transferring the blood from the carpet to the cloth. Rinse with cold water and repeat if needed.

Rinse & repeat

If the dish soap solution doesn’t cut it, try repeating the process with a cold water and ammonia solution. Using a highly diluted ammonia solution, sponge the liquid onto the stain before blotting dry. Rinse the area thoroughly with cold water and repeat until the stain has been removed.

Persistence is key

Just like with all carpet cleaning hacks, you can’t expect it to work first time, every time. Blood stains can be stubborn and may take a few tries to look as good as new. Keep repeating each step until the stain has been removed, using a combination of solutions if necessary.

Call a professional

If you’ve tried every step, multiple times, and the stain is still noticeable, it may be time to call it a day and give the professionals a call. At Clean & Dry Doncaster, we have over 30 years’ experience removing tough stains. Give our carpet cleaning service a go to leave your home looking and feeling like new.

If you’ve ever tried to deep clean your own carpets, you know just how hard and tiring it can be. Handling bulky equipment and scrubbing at tough stains by hand isn’t going to be beneficial for your back and never produces the best results.

That’s why a number of property owners turn to professionals when it comes to carpet cleaning. But, aside from saving you time and effort, what are the other benefits of hiring a professional carpet cleaner? Keep reading to find out.

1. Longer life expectancy

One of the key benefits of a professional carpet clean is that is can actually extend the life of your carpets. Over time, your carpet fibres naturally get clogged up with dirt, dust and allergens, which can cause the fibres to split and deteriorate. By regularly removing the dirt build up, your carpet will look newer for longer. A good carpet cleaner may also add an extra layer of protection onto your carpets after cleaning, preventing dirt and debris from getting to the fibres.

2. Tackles stains

Stains can be the bane of many homeowners’ lives. Drink spills, pet accidents and trodden in mud are all tough for regular stain removers to tackle. However, a professional cleaner will have the expertise, knowledge and equipment necessary to remove even the toughest stains. Wave goodbye to the days of hiding ugly stains with bulky furniture or rugs and welcome guests with pride to your clean, fresh and stain-free home.

3. Health benefits

Dust and allergens that get trapped in carpet fibres can easily make their way into the air, causing respiratory problems for those living in the household. It’s important to keep your carpets and furniture free of allergens, particularly if you or your loved ones suffer from asthma, allergies or breathing problems. A professional carpet clean can remove all trace of dust and allergens, sanitising your carpets and making your home a safe and healthy environment.

4. Eliminates odour

Even with regular vacuuming and stain treatments, the built-in grime and dirt can leave your carpet with an unpleasant odour – especially if you have young children or pets! Professional carpet cleaning companies often have their own methods of tackling tough odours and leaving your home smelling and looking fresh. Whether your pet has had a few accidents, or your toddler enjoys throwing food and drink around, a deep clean will leave your home looking and smelling as good as new.

Experienced & professional

At Clean & Dry Doncaster, we have been improving people’s carpets since 1988. Our carpet cleaning service takes care of everything, from the toughest stains to the most trodden down dirt, leaving your home looking and feeling brand new.

Whether you’ve spilt a glass of your favourite Merlot or completely shattered a bottle of Shiraz, red wine on your carpets is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. But there’s no need to panic if the Pinot Noir has got the better of you. Using simple ingredients from every cleaning cupboard, you can remove even the most engrained stains and get your carpet looking as good as new. Read on as we discuss how to tackle red wine stains on your carpet.

Act quickly

While it’s best not to panic when you spill a glass of red wine, the longer the wine sits in your carpet, the harder it will be to get out. Do yourself and your carpet a big favour by acting quickly. As soon as you notice the spillage, grab some paper towels or a dry rag and blot as much of the liquid as you can. Do not rub the stain as this will only force it further into the carpet fibres.

Soak up excess liquid

Pour salt or bicarbonate of soda onto the stain after you have blotted away the majority of the liquid to soak up the remainder. The salt or soda works by absorbing the stain’s moisture, so this tactic is much less effective on dried stains. If your stain has started to dry, or is an old stain, try pouring a little bit of cold water on it before adding the salt to dilute the wine.

Try something stronger

If blotting and adding salt hasn’t don’t the trick, your stain may require a stronger solution to get moving. Try using a vinegar solution, a mix of washing up liquid, white vinegar and warm water, to remove the stain. Soak a clean rag in the vinegar solution before dabbing it onto the stain to allow it to seep into the fibres, loosening the stain and allowing you to blot it away with a dry rag.

Take the traditional route

We’ve all heard the age-old trick of pouring white wine onto red wine stains, right? If all else fails, it may well work for you. white wine dilutes the stain much like water does, loosening it to make it easier to dab away. So, if you find yourself facing a red wine stain and you’re short on water or white vinegar, pour a little white wine directly onto the stain before blotting away.

If you’re struggling with a stubborn red wine stain, the team at Clean & Dry Doncaster are here to help. Our carpet cleaning service can tackle even the toughest of stains, leaving your carpets looking and feeling as good as new.

Remember, it’s always best to get expert input rather than taking any risks with your carpet, so be sure to call our team if you are unsure about a stain and need some expert advice.

Everyone wants to enter the new year with a clear mind, ready for a fresh start. How better to do so than with a clean home?

From organising this years’ calendar to a full house deep clean, January is the perfect time to kick off your cleaning regime. Read on to discover our top tips for January cleaning and how to make sure you start off your year with a sparkle.

Replenish supplies

First things first, you can’t clean your home without a fully stocked supply of cleaning essentials. Baking soda, ammonia, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and new cloths are a few of the most important basics you need to freshen up your home.

Freshen up the kitchen

With grease, oil, food and liquids being used daily in the kitchen, it can easily become messy and stained. Start off with a full clean of your kitchen, making sure to tackle the oven, hob and microwave, where grease tends to linger.

Focus on the walls

The walls and skirting boards are often neglected in regular cleaning. But that doesn’t mean they don’t need a quick wipe down in January. Walls can collect dust just as side boards or cabinets do, so they need a once-over with the feather duster every now and then.

Vacuum forgotten areas

It goes without saying that you should vacuum your home at least twice a week to keep it looking clean. But it’s easy to neglect hidden areas, such as under the bed or your mattress. This January, give the whole home a new look by taking care of those forgotten areas.

Refresh your furniture

Without care, sofas, chairs and beds can easily start to look tired and worn. From time to time, they need a thorough, professional clean to keep them looking as good as new. Not only will this freshen up your home for the new year, it will make them easier to maintain year-round.

Clean the flooring

For many, the floor is the hardest part of the house to maintain and keep looking fresh. That’s why you should kick off the new year with a professional carpet or tile flooring clean, complete with a carpet protector to keep your floors looking fresher for longer.

We can help

If you want to start the new year off with a glistening clean home, the team at Clean & Dry Doncaster are here to help. We’re a local, family business with over three decades of experience. Rest assured, our professional carpet, tile flooring and upholstery cleaning will leave your home looking as good as new in no time.