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Meet our team of Senior Technicians and DFPWATF’s (Dead Friendly People Who Answer The Phone).

When you choose who you want to carry out work in your home or workplace you will definitely want to know a little bit more about their people before you make your choice – and it’s always nice to put a face to a name so you know who will arrive at your door.

You can be reassured that ALL the team have had in-depth CRB/DBS checks completed and all have clean records.  We've been approved to work in HM Prisons, Secure Hospital Units, Banks and several other secure type organisations we can't discuss. For your own peace of mind please check any cleaner you contact can make the same assurance.

So here we are, the team at Doncaster Clean & Dry...

Allan Simmons Image

Allan Simmons Jnr.

When Allan Jnr left college in 1988 he joined his father in his part-time carpet cleaning business as a shareholding partner.  Allan Jnr. ran the business full time until Allan Sr became full time too in 1989.  Having done 'every job' in the business Allan Jnr looked after all the commercial contract clients and the domestic customer service areas of that business.  Allan Jnr. left that business in March 2016 to start his own business doing specialist stone floor cleaning and restoration, Clean & Dry was formed.  When Allan Jnr's father decided to retire in April 2018 Allan took on the technicians his father had employed to work with him on stone floor restoration.  After a little persuasion from them, Allan added carpet cleaning to his service offering at Clean & Dry too.  As the technicians were already fully trained and ready to go they said it would be mad not to.  Allan Jnr will be the one that chases you up if we've not had your questionnaire back, just to make sure everything was okay. He's a strong black coffee drinker. He's also been a keen magician since he was young and performs as a close-up magician in his spare time.  He loves his motorbike and a Sunday ride out.


Mary Simmons
Full details coming soon.


Kevin Waters

Kevin is one of our Senior Technicians and has worked with Allan since the early 90's, I know, he doesn't look old enough does he?  He does most of our domestic quotations so is probably the first person you will meet.  He has a wealth of knowledge and experience so just ask him anything you like.  If he doesn't know you can bet he knows 'a man who does'.  In his spare time he enjoys his motorbike and gardening.  Kevin prefers coffee, white no sugar and chocolate biscuits.




Wayne Quiddington

Another Senior Technician who has worked with Allan for what feels like forever.  Although trained in all areas to the highest levels we look to Wayne as our leather specialist.  The most frequent comment we receive on questionnaires about Wayne is "he never stopped!", that's until the job is done then he prefers Coffee, white no sugar and biscuits to recharge.  In his spare time he's into his football and is an active youth team coach, plays pool and is somewhat of an artist on the quiet (but the other guy's didn't know that until now)




Pete Dorans

A Senior Technician with a wealth of knowledge and experience.  The most frequent comment we receive about Pete is "very conscientious".  While he's great at cleaning carpets and upholstery he dislikes repairing equipment, so 'pulls in a favour' with John if his kit breaks.  Pete has many clients who insist Pete does their cleaning, and some will even wait until he's back from holiday for their cleaning appointment.  Pete's poison is STRONG Tea, white one sugar.  Oh, he's usually the first in very early in the morning, we think it's to make sure his cuppa is made just how he likes it.




John Gillespie

Another Senior Technician who has worked with Allan since the last century!  With probably the thickest training file record in the business, there's not much John doesn't know about carpets, upholstery and stone or hard floor cleaning.  He was also our first technician to be fully qualified in hard and stone floor cleaning and restoration.  With more and more hard floors out there and clients asking us if we cleaned them we thought it was about time we offered the service and had an in-house specialist.  He's not bad at fixing kit either, but woe betides you if you borrow his tools in the workshop and don't put them back. John is a Tea, white with 'half and half sugar' if you have it.